
Pieni Lintunen

Yesterday Meeri took a plane to London and she leaved us. For our group is hard because she was the only person who wasn´t spanish.Everybody love Meeri. It isn´t necesary to show so much pictures.The moment was very sad. After the fight with the luggage the festival of tears started. Only Mirko managed that Meeri laughed.

Finally we arrived to the airport without time, but she could check her luggage. I said goodbye to Meeri like in an american movie. One policeman (hijo de puta) pushing me while I was trying to say goodbye to her.

Meeri´s favourite song:


The lyrics are:
Viidakossa, on paikka jössa
Nukkuu leijona

One picture of Meeri very happy.To reach this happiness is very easy. A bit of vodka Finlandia and...

Thanks for all. Kisses from Lettipää.

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